We are honored to have the opportunity to minister to you and your family. It is our goal to provide a variety of opportunities for Christian growth and nurturing to take place, supported by a committed and involved faith community. We strive to do this through supporting spiritual development, Christian education, and family life.

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Nursery care is offered Sunday mornings during our 10:30am worship service to children Newborn up to 3 years of age. Our Nursery Team is a loving and trained group of individuals that want to share Jesus' love with your child.

Sunday School is a wonderful opportunity for children 3 years to 5th grade to learn more about God’s love for them and the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Join us each week during the time in between Sunday morning church services (9:20am - 10:20am). Just go upstairs and follow the sound of laughing children!

Children's Church begins each Sunday after the Children's Sermon during our 10:30am worship service, children are invited to Children’s Church upstairs in our Children’s Chapel. It is a time for children 3 years to 5th grade to come together in worship. We listen, discuss, and interact with the scriptures.

Club JOY (Jesus and Others before Yourself) is a monthly school year program for (Pre-K through 5th Grade) that takes place on the second Sunday from 4:00pm – 6:00pm … We have a different theme each month. Each theme is reflected in our activities, monthly missions, and even our dinner menu!

Faith & Friends* is our weekly time together. This is a great way for parents who want to be a part of the FUMC Rogers Choir. During our time (5:30pm - 7:00pm) together we will learn ways to be Godly Friends through Faith. We will not only learn, but also take action! We begin with being Friends with Jesus, each other, and then our community!

Connections* is our "childcare" time for parents who want to attend the grief support study, “When Mourning Dawns: Living your Way through the Seasons of Your Grief”. It will be offered from 5:30p - 7pm in the Parlor and will meet each Thursday for nine weeks to explore the characteristics of grief, how it affects us, and how to journey through it. If you are needing childcare in order to attend, please, let Pastor Brenda or Ms. Carie know you would like your child in Connections.

• Childcare programs are based on need and dates/times can change.

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© First United Methodist Church, Rogers Arkansas